Creating MIDI Files:

MIDI output can be a useful feature -- it can be used to preview the basic timing and contour of a complex pitch-based SSL instrument (e.g., Csound) or to create control values for use with real-time applications. MIDI output is also useful for algorithmic composers who may wish to convert their output into some form of music notation with programs such as Finale, or Sibelius. These files will work with Quicktime and Windows Media Player.

You can make a MIDI file by using the "-m" option, for example:

ngen -m filename.gen filename.mid

When creating MIDI files, nGen will ignore all p-fields after P5.  Direct output statements (>) and output converters (IN, RE, OP, HZ, etc.) will be ignored.  Additionally, the following syntax must ALWAYS be used:

Currently, MIDI files will only contain the first i-block in the input file.